Friday 27 December 2013

Health Check - Get Out There and Get Active


The long and the short of it is that there is no better way to maintain your health than exercise. Luckily, the spring and summer months are a great time to get started! Start by walking 30 minutes a day and take up new activities that promote more movement. Keep it fun! Anything that raises your heart rate counts. Make sure you have good running shoes; it's worth it in the long run.

The latest research has also shown that your brain benefits from physical activity. This is especially true for the aging population, as studies have shown that exercise can be linked to a decreased risk of Dementia and Alzheimer's. That is to say, exercise improves cognitive function.

There are other things on top of exercise that you can do as well to help keep your brain functioning at its best. One such thing is supplementing your diet with fish oil.

The Importance of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

A diet sufficient in EPA/DHA Omega 3 fatty acids is essential for the proper function of every cell, tissue, organ and gland in the brain and body. They are the main components of the brain neurons and all cell membranes.

Just as with vitamins and minerals, your brain and body cannot make EPA/DHA Omega 3 fatty acids, so they must be consumed within the diet.

The only way to safely consume adequate amounts of EPA/DHA is through supplementation with fish oil. Luckily, this is available in many local vitamin stores and pharmacies.

Long Distance Driving

Once winter is behind us and the weather improves, there are more opportunities to travel and explore. The down side of this is the long time spent behind the wheel in the car. However, there are a few tips you can follow to prevent unnecessary strain:

* Keep your head straight and held high 
* Shoulders back, Chest out 
* Stomach tucked in 
* Back and legs supported 
* DON'T tilt your head or body, as this will create strain.

Try to adjust the headrest so that it supports the middle of your head, with the seat as far forward as possible without you needing to reach for the wheel.

If you have a wallet or anything chunky in your pocket, take it out! Sitting on uneven surfaces can throw out the alignment in your back.

Finally, take breaks! When on a longer trip, it's wise to take a break every 2 hours. This is true for any sort of travel; don't stay in the same position for too long.

Spring and summer are the perfect times to take those first steps to getting healthy, whether it be through exercise, supplements, or taking care of yourself on long trips. Whichever route you take, know that you are on the way towards a healthier you!

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