Its not about a weight loss program... - its about fat loss for personal
fitness, personal health and self love. Chances are if you are Googling weight
loss, you're just a tad frustrated with status quo.

It is NOT about going to the gym X number of times per week. It is about
physical activity, exercise and training... what you love and what we can fit
into your schedule. If you think "No time" is a reason for no
exercise, no offence but you don't know what exercise is.
Wear a pedometer... the simplest way to boost your health... the truth serum of
Setting DEEP goals and incentives. No "I have to lose weight for the
wedding". Real deep, goals that require serious, intrusive self discovery.
don't "find ourselves" in life... we create ourselves... create,
hone, create hone...
ALWAYS think of your kids, family... that's focus!
We are our children's #1 role model & mentor - for better or worse.
If you are feeling tortured or deprived... keep searching
Make sure your Gastrointestinal health is optimized... not about popping
supplements! Belly fat is very complex!
Its not just about the scale... wear fitting clothes, use a tape measure
Blood work: I happen to believe the most meaningful encouraging reward of all:
get a blood test now, and after 6 months of your "love your life"
program - retest. Wowww!
Journal - self diarize... its not just about food and exercise... don't forget
the Kudos column!
This is truly the hardest part: Analyze your eating habits, patterns, timing,
triggers, food choices... not an easy process to open up with ourselves
Comfort foods are a must and fact of reality - Let's find ones that comfort
your mood and comfort your health
Analyze friendships... the very best way to show love for another is by
contributing to their health... are they looking to contribute to your health
or a partner in crime?
Alcohol... empty calories that contribute nothing positive to your health or
nutrition, cause the body to store fat, and cause us to drunk drive, and
drunken eating binges!
Make it real... real, realistic you... its not about trying to be a Hollywood
icon. Celebrate yourself
Look at your love yourself program as your fat loss, anti aging, beauty
secrets, brain building opportunity. Welcome challenges as an opportunity to
Learn to identify and be acutely aware of physiological changes and rewards:
energy, focus, mood, self pride...
Hire a health coach, not strictly a personal trainer. A health coach is well
seasoned in addressing collectively your health risks. By taking an integrated
approach to a higher health and fitness level, you will feel more empowered,
and reap the rewards of stronger physiological rewards, to keep you faithful
and in love. Divide & conquer your inner saboteurs, allowing your
healthiest, happiest you to rise to power!
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