Sunday 15 February 2015

How to Reduce Weight Quickly and Burn Fat Fast

In this article, I will be sharing expert advice on how to reduce weight quickly and burn fat fast. Losing weight is not about counting each calorie. It is not about running 5 miles in a day. It is not about fasting. Then, how can we lose weight and keep it off? This question needs practical answers. My readers are not looking for fantastic advertisements. Most of us need simple tips to solve a problem. I hope this article will help you lose weight in a short time.

1. Never use the food scale

Eating food is not about calorie counting. If you are feeling hungry, you should eat until you are satisfied. Eating regular meals help you avoid snacks, chocolates, and cold drinks. A cold drink just adds 150 calories to your diet plan. Chocolates and snacks give extra calories while giving 0% energy, 0% protein and 0% carbohydrates. A regular meal can help you live a healthy life. So, never skip your meals.

2. Fruits in your office

Buy some colorful fruits i.e. one full cup of grapes, three bananas, two oranges, half cup pomegranate and a big apple. Put these fruits on your office table and eat them whenever you need an energy boost. You can eat a lot more during your working hours. It will help you in feeling full while giving you energy and vitamins.

3. 4 By 4 Inch

Use a four by 4 inches lunch box and put whatever you want in it. You can put a chocolate bar, lots of nuts, fruits, and desserts. But, remember all food elements should be restricted within the boundaries of the lunch box. It helps in satisfying your hunger, and it does not increase weight.

4. Avoid drinks

If you want to lose weight, you will have to leave drinks. You must avoid all drinks (except water) i.e. soda, lemonade, artificial juices, wine, and beer.

5. Visit the steam room

Visit the steam room more often. It helps losing water weight, and you can easily drop 1-3 pounds in one steam room session.

6. Wear tight Jeans

Tight jeans give you the motivation to lose weight. You will feel slimmer, and it is a good way to remind yourself of your body shape.

7. Do cardio exercises 3-4 times in a week

If you can do the cardiovascular exercises three times in a week, you will lose 3 pounds in a month.

I have tried these tips, and I can assure you that these tips will work for you. It is the best advice for anyone seeking long-term weight loss.

Saturday 14 February 2015

How to Lose Weight With Weight Loss Hypnosis

Almost two thirds of the men and women in the UK are either overweight or obese, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation statistics show. The number of overweight people is much higher than at any given time during the past three decades. It's easy to make a bold claim and conclude that obesity is becoming a problem of epic proportions.

Are you one of those individuals struggling with weight, cravings, guilt connected to not leading a healthier lifestyle and disappointment stemming from past failures? You may want to give weight loss hypnosis a try. The mechanism is completely different from that of other weight loss programmes, which is why hypnosis delivers such great results.

Curious about how hypnotherapy for weight loss works? Here's what you'll go through and why the process will deliver more sustainable results than other possibilities.

Capitalise on the Power to Choose

Healthy weight loss is about making choices rather than struggling with restrictions.

Getting fit is much more than losing weight. It's about building a healthy relationship with food and with your own body. A hypnotherapist will help you "instil" the healthy thinking patterns that will form the foundation of this new relationship.

Weight loss hypnosis focuses on training your mind before you start training your body. You have the right and the willpower to choose one option on another. These rational choices produce the right kind of motivation, the one that will deliver the weight loss results you're hoping for.

What's Making You Overeat?

The second mechanism that hypnotherapists use to help their clients lose weight focuses on reasons. Knowing what the cause of the problem is will quickly lead to the selection of an adequate solution.

Why are you overeating? That's the most important question you'll be asked in the beginning of your first session. Are you addicted to sugary treats that make you feel happier? Do you turn to snacks whenever you feel stressed out? Or maybe you're used to super-sized portions and smaller amounts will simply not do the trick for you?

Through hypnosis, you will come up with a healthier alternative. A poor relationship with food and its selection as a source of emotional comfort are the main reasons why so many people in the UK are overweight. In addition, many turn to unhealthy snacks simply because they have no taste for beneficial foods.

It's possible to start enjoying carrots and raw nuts. The process will be fun rather than stressful because all changes will take place on a subconscious level. You will not be pressuring yourself into liking certain foods, you'll simply be building a new understanding and a desire for such treats.

The Difference between Dieting and Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy for weight loss has nothing to do with dieting. Diets require a lot of willpower and commitment to actually work. The problem is that metabolism changes occur when the body gets used to limitations. These metabolism changes lead to gaining the weight back on after ending the diet.

Hypnosis changes your mind in a gentle way. You can learn to love exercise. You can lose the desire for sweets. You don't have to suffer through the process. Serious change starts from the inside and this is precisely what hypnosis does.

David Samson is a regular advisor to BBC Radio London. His work has been featured in The Times, Huffington Post and OK! Magazine. Using gentle & sympathetic techniques developed over 10 years practicing successful weight loss Hypnosis treatments.

Friday 13 February 2015

Are You Ready to Give Up Dieting?

We are now one month into the New Year, which means 30 days have passed since you have committed to yet another resolution to lose the weight once and for all. But have you ever taken the time to reflect upon the methods you have chosen over and over again to achieve your weight loss goals? How many diets have you actually gone on and off in your lifetime? Did they work? If so, for how long?

The unfortunate truth that I am about to share with you is that diets do not work. At first, dieting can be fun and even exhilarating. You think that "this time it's going to work, this time I'm going to stay committed". And you do. The weight comes off and it's a very euphoric feeling. But for many chronic dieters, the weight always ends up coming back once the diet is over. This is why dieting is not the solution for achieving long-term weight loss. In fact, statistics show that 46% of people who make a weight loss resolution never make it past 6 months. The reason is that dieting is hard. Restricting calories alters your mood and depriving yourself of your favorite foods can be tormenting. Eventually, you give in to your cravings which lead to overeating and feelings of failure.

If this sounds like you and you experience a yo-yo cycle of successes and failures, you can likely relate to the negative feelings dieting has imposed on your life. It is quite exhausting to have to constantly obsess over food. Contrary to what dieting has taught you, food is not the enemy and everyone deserves to eat regardless of their size or shape.

If you take a step back and consider the pros and cons that dieting has brought you in the past, your list might look something like this:

Pro: Lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time

Con: Felt hungry, was moody, couldn't concentrate, missed eating my favorite foods, was not enjoyable, always had to think about what I was eating, gained back all the weight, felt guilt, felt like a failure

Dieting instills a life-long obsession with food and body image that is debilitating mentally, emotionally and physically. What you may not realize is that these issues are actually caused by dieting (something that the diet industry would rather keep hush, hush). If you have gone through the dieting cycle for years without long-term success, you might have reached a very critical point known as "diet bottom". Hitting diet bottom means that you do not have the energy or inner strength to go on another diet. You are completely exhausted from dieting, from thinking about how every bite is going to affect your weight, from counting calories and from depriving yourself of foods that you love. You simply cannot do it anymore.

Hitting diet bottom, believe it or not, is a positive place to be as it is the first step out of the yo-yo dieting cycle. It is important to know if you have truly hit diet bottom because there are solutions to achieving permanent weight loss that do not include a single diet plan. Figuring out for yourself if you are at this point takes self-reflection into your personal diet patterns and to be honest with yourself as to how dieting has affected you throughout your life. Then, and only then, can you move to the next step of discovering the biggest mistakes you've made at dieting and from there, to proper nourishment of your mind, body and soul.

Thursday 12 February 2015

An Easy Way To Count Calories

Anyone who is serious about losing weight and getting into better shape needs to realize that some important nutritional decisions will need to be made with the many choices in regards to food and drink on a daily basis.

Each time you are confronted with food or beverages, you have the potential to consume too much and this is when the majority of weight gain occurs. Therefore if you want to make this process much easier and increase the likelihood of being successful, one of the best ways to get started tackling your daily nutrition is to count calories.

In the past, it was a bit cumbersome to count calories since you had to lug around a notepad and pen to actually write down everything you ate and drank during the day. Now with the Internet and smartphones that can run applications, counting calories has now become easier than ever. You can now simply whip out your phone, tap a few buttons and your calorie amount is automatically tabulated.

Before you jump to the conclusion that to count calories is obnoxious and takes weight loss too serious just look at the benefits it can provide you if losing weight is something you truly want to achieve. Really consider this especially if you haven't been successful in the past.

In a nutshell, counting calories allows you to get a clear picture of exactly how much fuel you are putting into your body every day. When you focus on putting just the correct amount of food in your body and exercise a bit, the weight steadily falls off. That's as simple as it can be put.

One of the main reasons people gain an excessive amount of weight is because they do not control how much they eat or drink on a regular basis. When you also throw in the fact that little or no exercise is enjoyed, this is an easy one-two combination that quickly leads to weight gain. Unless some changes are made, obesity is likely the only outcome.

Sure there are surgical options along with some diet fads that may or may not work, but if you want to do this on your own for free and are willing to try something new and stick with it for at least a month, then there's no reason why you can't be successful with weight loss.

Just remember, consistent nutritional changes will need to be made if you want to have any chance of improving your situation. In other words, eating healthy one day then flipping the switch and eating unhealthy the next three days is not going to do your body any good nor will you shed those excess pounds.

Naturally changing the types and amounts of food you eat is often an extremely difficult feat to accomplish and the number one reason why folks fail. But by using a free calorie counting application you will have an ally that will help you as you redevelop your eating habits. You want to put nutrition at the forefront of your thoughts on a daily basis from the moment you wake until you go to sleep. Throughout this time all choices regarding your nutrition should be regulated.

Once you get your hands on one of these free tools to help you count calories, and set up your profile (in literally 2 minutes) you will see how powerful an ally this can be in your fight to get fit.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Losing Weight in Week - Is It Possible?

Weight loss is such a popular subject that sometimes you come across statements with fantastic claims on losing weight. What will be your reaction if someone says that you can reduce your weight in a week's time? You may be skeptical at first. But if you want to evaluate this claim, then you need to ask two questions to evaluate this claim. The first question is: How much weight I could lose in a week? The second question will be: Will the reduction in my weight be long lasting or will it be short-lived?

The answer to your first question is that you can lose about one kilogram of your weight in a week. But if you want to achieve a more substantial weight loss, you will have to take some specific steps. I will outline these steps here. I have not forgotten the second question. I will answer it at the end.

Sacrifice your evening snacks:
Many people are in the habit of talking certain food items like cookies, pasta and desserts in the evening. If you are one of them, please realize that these snacks will have the effect of increasing the fluid content in your body and make you fat. Avoid taking snacks in the evening since your body doesn't need to be fed in the evening. But if you feel hungry, take something light and nutritious like the vegetable sandwich.

Reduce your consumption of salt:
Decrease in salt intake can help you lose weight considerably. Reducing the intake of Sodium, the main ingredient of salt will enable the body to rid itself of some the fluids retained by it. Salt has to be consumed but in small quantities. You can make a conscious effort to reduce the salt consumption by ensuring that the salt added to dishes when they are cooked is reduced. This will also be good for your other family members who may not feel the need to lose weight. As is well known, reducing salt consumption will also help in keeping your blood pressure under control.

Say no to Diet Drinks:
Diet drinks, contrary to what their name implies, will not help you lose weight. Many of these drinks contain Sodium, a substance that causes fluids to accumulate in your body, You can lose weight only by avoiding them. In fact, if you have been taking diet drinks, you will see quick results, if you stop drinking them.

Have a dinner free from Carbohydrates:
Taking carbohydrate rich foods for dinner will be one of the biggest obstacles for your efforts to lose weight quickly. Keep such foods away from your night meal. Taking a light dinner made of vegetable salads alone can do miracles. You can include a piece of lean meat in your dinner once or twice a week, if you want to make the dinner more substantial.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

The Pros and Cons of Taking Raspberry Ketone for Weight Loss

With the popularity of raspberry ketone, it is hard to not be curious of the weight loss supplement. After all, it was touted by a popular celebrity doctor as the number one miracle in a bottle. Basically, it is a compound extracted from red raspberries, and before it got famous as a weight loss aid, it has been used as a cosmetic ingredient. The thing about it is that it is extracted at low amounts. So, if you are thinking of just eating red raspberries to help you lose weight, then you will have to eat around ninety pounds of red raspberries every day.

But what it is the real deal with raspberry ketone? Here are the pros and cons of the weight loss supplement:


The supplement is natural, so it ensures a healthy weight loss. What it does is that it increases the levels of hormone called adiponectin in the body. The hormone speeds up metabolism, making it a natural fat blocker. Another benefit of the supplement is that it suppresses your appetite by increasing your leptin sensitivity. Leptin is a hormone that signals your brain that you have sufficient sugar in your fat cells - in short, it is what keeps you from getting hungry.

The ability of the supplement to block the formation of fat and suppress appetite is the main reason why the supplement works as an efficient weight loss aid. The celebrated physician may have used hyperbole in describing it, but it does work.


On the other hand, there are certain issues that may arise when you take raspberry ketone. Well, it is not really about the supplement having side effects, but it is more of your attitude towards taking the supplement. The supplement does help you lose weight even when you are just sitting down, and this is one of its attractions. However, this can get you to set unrealistic expectations. This can get you into thinking that the supplement will do everything for you and all you need is sit around, dreaming about being able to wear your skinny jeans again.

What you should remember is that weight loss supplements are there to "supplement". This means they are there to complete a whole. You should do your part as well. Yes, you may be a very busy person, and you do not have the time to do routine exercise, but at least get every chance you can to walk or climb the stairs. These things may seem trivial, but they do a lot of difference.

To sum up, raspberry ketone has all the important properties of an efficient weight loss supplement. And, given your right attitude while taking it, it can indeed yield the results you expect or even more than you expect.