Thursday, 17 July 2014

What Keeps Us Obese, Fat And Unhealthy Started Way Back Than!

No, it wasn't Mc Donald's or Hungry Jacks, or any of the other take-away junk food outlets who started it. Although, they are conveniently placed in locations where you have to make a distinctive detour to miss them, and are now dominating the scene. The ones that instigated it to make us fat and to eat more started long before computers were known and even before TV became an addiction in our living rooms. It all started when Movie Theatres were the in-thing in entertainment for the young and old; you may remember the bucket of popcorn that was part of the deal.

It started way back than at the movies with that "extra size" popcorn, and it didn't take long for others starting to copy and making similar offers. Using a clever marketing trick offering to the movie-goer an even bigger bucket of popcorn for the same price as a small one, or even for free. This was the time when revolutionising our eating habits began by offering bigger size buckets, bigger bottles, bigger cans of sodas and bigger food containers. As this type of food industries started to grow and change, including the take-away and fast foods with the golden arches, this influenced the way we eat now. Although this fat and obesity issue started in the US some 50 years ago, but when America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold.

When the food industry started to change

The big changes came in the 70s under President Nixon when the American Secretary of Agriculture encouraged US farmers to produce more and faster, mainly huge quantities of corn, was the order than. The feeding of livestock also changed. Cattle were no longer fed natural green pasture; it changed to grain and corn with antibiotics and growth hormones to get quicker results. A big percentage of corn was made into high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) which is cheap to produce and it replaced the use of sugar. As this substitute for sugar "Corn Syrup" was born ever since this substance was heavily used in most food productions as well as in soft drinks and sodas. The growing food market availability of fast-food 24/7 has revolutionised our eating habits. We gradually changed with the concept of super-sizing to big eaters and by 1980 obesity has doubled and as well accompanied with many health issues. Fueling up ourselves with poor nutrition, and loading our fat tissues with environmental and oxidizing toxins that are in our foods is just to make more money and bigger profits. The damage of artificial cheap sweeteners is still underestimated and the consequences not fully understood or realised by most people. According to research the overuse of corn syrup-fructose can suppress the hormone Leptin that carries the message to the brain which tells us when to stop eating. Farfetched you think? Not really; Leptin also regulates metabolism and body weight which interacts with receptors in our brain. Leptin wasn't known twenty years ago but it could help assisting in competing obesity, metabolic disorders and other diseases. One way to correct Leptin resistance is through a natural, nutritious healthy whole food diet.

The food industries spend millions on lobbying!

To protect their own interests and profits to keep shareholders happy, they also know that changes are coming and lobbying is well on its way against unhealthy preservatives in our food. Changes will take time; it has taken the aunty tobacco lobbyists over a decade to have any impact. Similar changes been seen in the food industries in the next decade or so. However, to compare tobacco to the food most of us eat every day it can have worse health consequences than smoking. There is no question, heavy smoking and lack of exercise are certainly health hazards, but a far greater concern affecting our health more so is the food most of us indulge in. Considering this, smoking becomes a relatively minor factor when you compare it to the food that is on the market now. The major cause of health problems comes from 90 percent of processed food most people choose to eat. This type of subject needs every bit of help to bring such a serious issue into the mainstream. Of course, most government bureaucrats would rather stick their head in to sand than come up with a positive and common sense solution for the industries they suppose to regulate. At the end it is up to every one of us in making better choices. This is just another way to stop the damage through enough people being exposed to information like this to make changes. The evidence is clear that the cause of obesity starts when consuming too many calories which come with super-sized portions. The most important step to a healthier life is the change to a healthy diet.


Ways To Tackle Obesity

Obesity is a global phenomenon. We see increasingly that the newer generation has a tendency to put on more weight much earlier than what was prevalent in the previous generations. As per WHO statistics, obesity is the single biggest reason for cardiac arrests and pre-mature death. As the medical community is gearing up to tackle this menace, we need to go back in time to find methods to overcome this. Let us discuss together a method to manage obesity.

There are many reasons experts say for obesity. One is the diet and other is lack of exercise. But look deeply, there is only one reason. Your genes. You are expressing one of your parent's or grandparent's genes, which has a tendency for obesity. When one of your parent is slim there is an even chance for you to be slim. But if both parent are obese, there is still a possibility that the genes of one of our ancestors could make us a slim and fit person.

Our DNA, which is the blue print stored deep inside our cells is capable of expressing itself differently under different environments. Our DNA is copied to RNA, which is then used to build proteins by the ribosomes within our cells. Our scientists have discovered the pre-disposition of human body to obesity due to certain environmental conditions. What all these point to is that the human body can be programmed to express slim genes, only if we knew how.

In societies, where there is abundance of food available there is a great risk of obesity. It is true that our diets does influence our genes to a certain extent. So, choosing the right diet would alter the way the genes are copied from DNA to RNA and then expressed by creation of proteins. There is a separate discipline called nutritional genomics where these aspects are being explored.

All these point to the inherent truth that we don't need to be accepting our condition as an obese person. We can under right conditions, influence our subtle fields around us to express our slim genes. There is a solution which helps us to express our recessive slim genes, which changes our outlook. This is an acoustic therapy that can be used to treat all kinds of conditions. Obesity is one of them. The secret to know is, our gene expression or our external features are controlled by the unseen subtle body around us. By conditioning this field, with quantum sounds we can cure us of any disease or condition.

In this technology, you are given precise instructions to send the quantum sounds to certain planes around your body. This is a guided therapy with clear instructions which harmonizes your subtle body corresponding to your navel. Over a period of 48 days, these sounds re-condition your subtle and physical body to express the best possible slim gene.

You will start losing unnecessary weight naturally. Essentially you have a possible second life. Most important aspect of this treatment is to have faith which opens your heart. This influences the subtle electromagnetic guiding field around you and makes seemingly impossible things possible.


Why Belly Fat Is The Most Dangerous Body Fat

No matter what you call it, spare tire, pot belly or beer keg, having excess fat in your abdominal area is not a good thing. As a matter of fact, it presents a very serious danger.

Belly fat is not like the fat on other parts of your body. It is far more serious. When you have excess belly fat it increases your risk for things such as:

· Sleep apnea

· Metabolic syndrome

· Diabetes

· Cardiovascular disease

· Breast cancer

The fat that rests between your skin and abdominal wall is known as subcutaneous fat. The next layer of fat, the fat that surrounds your internal organs is known as visceral fat. This type of fat is nothing to play with. It is biologically active and can produce an excess of hormones.

Researchers often describe it as an active organ in the body that creates hormones and inflammatory substances.

This type of fat turns into fatty acids that can get into the liver and muscle of the body, according to Lewis Kuller, MD, DPH.

This type of drainage causes various changes, such as, an increase in bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Along with this reaction, insulin stops being as effective in controlling blood sugars, which, results in insulin resistance. Insulin resistance often leads to Type 2 Diabetes and other conditions such as, heart disease.

Belly Fat In Men

One of the reasons men are more likely to have heart disease is because they tend to collect more belly fat than women, and, also earlier in life.

One study showed that too much of this type of fat in men is a risk for "all-cause mortality", which means death from any kind of cause.

Too much belly fat in men has also been linked to erectile dysfunction in men over age 60.

Belly Fat In Women

The hormonal imbalance caused by this type of fat, can also leads to breast cancer in women, where the risk is 1/3 higher than that in women without it.

It can also cause inflammation in the body. And if you know anything about inflammation you know it is the cause of a variety of different health conditions and diseases.

According to one Danish study, women are five times more likely to die from heart disease when they have lots of belly fat, large waists and high levels of fat in the blood stream.

What Causes Belly Fat?


There are a lot of different factors that can cause someone to have an excess of belly fat. One such factor is genetics. If your parents have a lot of belly fat you are more likely to have belly fat as well. The sad truth is it can move down from generation to generation.

Hormones also play a huge role. For example, after a woman goes through menopause the hormonal changes that take place can cause fat to gather in the belly.

Poor Diet

The most common cause of belly fat is poor dietary habits and a lack of exercise. These days people live on a fast food diet and never take the time to go to the gym. This not only leads to belly fat but it can also lead to obesity. So now the question is how can you get rid of belly fat?

The first thing you need to do is get your diet in check. No more eating unhealthy fast food 5 nights a week. It's time to start cooking. You need to eat lots of fresh veggies, fruits and proteins. Things such as broccoli, spinach, carrots, oranges, pineapples, mango and chicken are all great for losing weight.


But it's not just enough to get your diet right. You also need to start exercising. Exercising and eating right help keep your metabolism revved up. And the best part is you don't have to workout a long time to see the results.

All it takes is 30 minutes a day of intense exercise and you would be surprised how fast your body starts to change.

When you workout be sure to incorporate resistance training. The more muscle you build the more fat you will burn during a 24 hour period.

So, ladies don't be afraid to increase your muscle mass. It will go a long ways towards helping you shed those extra pounds.

Obesity and How to Overcome It

Obesity Is Becoming More Prevalent Every Decade

Obesity is becoming more and more prevalent, not just in the United States, but worldwide. Every decade the percentage of our population who is obese increases. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from 1989 to 1997, the prevalence of overweight individuals in China almost tripled in men and doubled in women. Just by looking around on a daily basis, you can see that just as many, if not more, people are overweight than at a healthy weight. Obesity is defined as having a Body Mass Index (BMI) of greater than 30kg/m2. In the United States, 65% of Americans are overweight (BMI equal to 25 -- 29.9 kg/m2) and of these, 31% are obese according to a study by Dr. Len Kravitz. Over half the population of the United States is overweight! Which means that over half of the population is at an increased risk for numerous diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome, just to name a FEW. With all the fast food and alcohol advertising and marketing gurus putting "healthy" spins on their products, I wouldn't expect this trend to change any time soon unless something drastic is done. Instead of being fed Happy Meals and fried chicken, we need to be educating our young people about the dangerous effects of being overweight, and also, how to eat healthy (not diet when you feel like losing a few pounds). It shouldn't stop at our young people either. As a Personal Trainer, I meet at least one person every day who is unsure about nutrition and exercise. With so many "Nutrition Experts" out there, all saying different things about what is healthy and what isn't, how do you decide? It can definitely be a challenge. Between Dr. Oz, just about every celebrity, and a plethora of different nutritionists and dietitians, it can be tough to really figure out the best plan of action. It is important to try to educate yourself by reading as much has you can about effective exercise and healthy eating (not dieting). In the upcoming parts of this article, I'd like to talk a little more about what causes obesity and makes it such a tough thing to overcome, some effective exercises for combating obesity, and some general guidelines for eating your way out of obesity.

An In-Depth Take on Obesity

On the most basic level, obesity occurs when your energy input is greater than energy output on a regular basis. If you're constantly taking in more than you're putting out, eventually, you're going to become overweight. That sounds like something simple, but there is more to the obesity problem than that. For some, it can seem like they eat so little, yet never shed any pounds. This is often the result of your body going into starvation mode. It was recently discovered that fat cells do play a part in hormones and sending signals to our brains about hunger and cravings. Two of the primary hormones involved with fat tissue are Leptin and Adiponectin.

1. Leptin - Leptin communicates to the brain how much energy is currently being stored in fat cells. When energy stores are low, leptin supply is slow, which signals to the brain that we need to eat more! Studies show that eating foods high in sugar and fat cause leptin levels to decrease, resulting in our brain thinking we need to eat more food. This can lead to over-eating and obesity.

2. Adiponectin - Adiponectin helps insulin in sending blood glucose into the body's cells for storage or use as fuel.

The presence or absence of these hormones can contribute to weight gain and obesity. With a knowledge of what foods contribute to each of these hormones, you can use your body and your diet to help combat overeating. Another major hormone related to eating is Grehlin. Grehlin is secreted by the stomach and promotes food intake with high levels. High levels of Grehlin are typically found during fasted states. After an overweight individual loses weight, Grehlin levels increase, which can lead to overeating and is often why it is difficult to keep the weight off. Being aware of this fact can help someone who has lost weight realize that their body is adapting to the changes in body composition, and in order to maintain the weight loss, you must maintain a lower level of caloric intake. Fat tissue also produces Cytokines, which are inflammatory proteins. Inflammatory proteins can lead to stroke and heart problems as stated by the National Institute of Health. This explains why those who are overweight are at an increased risk for these health concerns. It has been found that a loss of just 5-10% in weight can lead to healthier levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose metabolism. It is so crucial to start your weight loss journey knowing that you will see positive effects during the beginning stages of your weight loss. With that said, that doesn't mean you should stop putting in the effort after you do lose that first 5-10%. Considering how easy it can be to regain lost weight, this is why you shouldn't think of this as "dieting," rather making a healthy lifestyle change.

Road Map to Weight Loss

1. Change your diet - For those who are obese and very overweight, changing your diet is probably the most important step at the beginning. While exercise is very important throughout your journey, you'll see results much faster if you move to a healthier diet. For more tips on nutrition, check the USDA Nutrition Guidelines or check out some articles by Dr. Jade Teta about his favorite fat loss foods.

2. Create an exercise habit - Exercise will be crucial in losing weight and, especially, maintaining that weight loss. Exercise will help you create the calorie deficit you need to help you shed pounds. Also, by increasing your muscle mass, you increase the amount of calories your body burns on a daily basis, which will further help you burn calories and help keep the weight off. When you're first starting out, you don't need to kill yourself with "badass" workouts and the hottest fitness trends. Find some form of exercise you enjoy (at least a little bit) and use that to help you create a habit. Leisure walking is a great way to burn fat. It reduces stress, burns a good percentage of fat calories and is low impact. Shoot for 200-300 minutes per week of exercise, whether that is walking, biking, swimming, etc. Once you've gotten yourself into an exercise habit, you can start looking at more in depth workout programs and higher intensity exercises. If you're at that stage now, and you need some exercise suggestions, subscribe to my fitness pipeline below, and I'll give you some suggestions.

3. Seek outside help - Losing weight can be a challenging task, but it can definitely be done! Consider seeking help from a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, or Dietician. These people are professionals who can guide you through your weight loss journey in a safe, effective manner. If you don't have the resources available to recruit one of these professionals, reach out to friends, family or colleagues. Work with someone else you know who is overweight, or find people who have gone through a similar weight loss challenge. Let people motivate you and you can help motivate others!

This is a small piece of the puzzle in overcoming obesity, but, the direction the world is going, we need to start making changes for the better. The population needs to be educated on the dangerous effects of being overweight and how to overcome obesity and its harmful side effects.